Natural Capital Policy

Natural Capital Policy

1. Introduction

Paraway Pastoral Company is committed to continuous improvement in the management of the environment. We strive for best practice through our land and water management, balancing agricultural production and environmental management by viewing our operations in a whole of farm context.

The long-term success of Paraway is dependent on sustainable land management and preventing environmental degradation. As land managers, we are responsible for the impact of our management on biodiversity and the environment.


2. Objectives and approach

Paraway staff and contractors have an important role to play in achieving our objectives and targets, which include:

    • Protecting, increasing and enhancing biodiversity by preserving high value habitat and ecosystems and protecting endangered and vulnerable species.
    • Actively managing our land to improve soil health.
    • Managing weed and pest species.
    • Responsible use of fertilisers, herbicides and pesticides to minimise environmental impacts.
    • Protection of waterways and responsible use and management of water resources.
    • Protection of areas and artefacts of cultural heritage significance.
    • Measuring and reducing our greenhouse gas emissions profile.

3. Approach

We are committed to ensuring that, at a minimum we are compliant with all applicable environmental legislation in the jurisdictions in which we operate. We work towards achieving our objectives by focusing on the following:

    • Understanding our natural capital:
      • Identifying and protecting ecologically significant habitat and threatened species;
      • Identifying and protecting artefacts and areas of indigenous and otherheritage significance.
    • Actively managing our natural capital:
      • Assessing environmental risks and opportunities, including those connected to water availability;
      • Managing our biosecurity risks including strategic disease, pest and weed management on our properties;
      • Protecting, enhancing and where appropriate, restoring biodiversity;
      • Proactively managing our livestock and pastures to prevent land degradation.
    • Monitoring
      • Monitoring our natural capital including soil carbon, land condition and vegetation;
      • Monitoring our environmental footprint and reducing or eliminating negative impacts;
      • Measuring our carbon emissions and sequestration and reporting annually on our emissions performance.
    • Reporting
      • Reporting and investigating environmental and cultural heritage incidents;
      • Annual reviews of environmental performance for all stations and developing strategies to improve.
    • Engagement and culture
      • Engaging with, and increasing the capability and knowledge of employees, management, the Board and the wider community to drive environmental sustainability within the business and the communities in which we operate
      • Developing long term relationships with industry bodies, government agencies, community groups and other local leaders in environmental stewardship and collaborating where possible to achieve shared environmental goals
      • Including environmental considerations in all business planning to ensure that natural capital is integral to our operations
      • Maintaining communication of environmental performance through monitoring and reporting systems which build trust and accountability.

4. Compliance with this Policy

Compliance with this policy is detailed in the Paraway Code of Conduct.

Oxley Water